A recently published paper by Sharon Appleyard and colleagues from the Environomics FSP showed how to identify which fish specimens stored in formalin are most likely to yield usable DNA.
A team including FSP early career researcher, Ben Mayne, has developed the first epigenetic clock for a fish.
Environomics scientist Dr Cindy Bessey has developed a fast, cost effective method for collecting eDNA from sea water.
Read the October 2020 Environomics Newsletter.
Two patent applications have been filed on novel methods developed by FSP scientists which capitalise on the unique and rich information content of DNA molecules.
New research sheds new light on the lifespans of five marine turtle species.
In recently published research, you can read about a statistical method to estimate the life expectancy and maximum lifespan of wild animal populations.
Environomics FSP postdoc Xiao Deng has demonstrated an environmentally friendly and cost-effective way to reduce corrosion caused by underwater microbes.
Microbiomes are vitally important and a recently published review of microbial science highlights the value of environmental microbiome science by describing current and potential future applications.
Environomics Newsletter June 2020