#The University of Sydney

Three men are standing together in front of a white background for a team photo, smiling at the camera.

At EMU Systems we have developed standalone devices that accurately monitor the key aspects of the local environment that determine health and productivity. Seeking: Pre-seed funding and like-minded partners

Four men are standing together in front of a white background for a team photo, smiling at the camera.

Plasmid Therapy develops novel, safe, scalable, and affordable solutions to eradicate antimicrobial resistance genes from bacterial populations without disturbing the bacteria themselves or driving resistance adaptations. Seeking: Commercial partners for market expertise

BiomeMega is an innovative ProbioTech company, creating a bacterial platform to obtain functional ingredients with Australian provenance. Our value proposition […]

Archaeology is the present probing the past to inform the future. We are Digital Archaeologists. We investigate above and below […]

We use a cost effective method to produce a digitally automated ecosystem wherein any plant or fungi can survive by […]

DISSOLUXION aims to offer a technology that can substantially reduce the time it takes to assess the quality, deposition, and […]

Our project aims to deploy a highly specialized, bespoke device that can seamlessly and accurately measure local environmental conditions (Environmental Measurement Units or EMU's) at multiple locations on-site to model the level of heat stress at a given location.

GreenCoat is a next-generation plasma-coating smart window solution that changes the opacity of windows in response to real-time environmental conditions to maximise the energy efficiency of buildings.

Team S3 is tackling the challenge of designing a tool to optimise total knee arthroplasty (TKA) procedure and reduce post procedural pain.

The USyd Team Immunotherapeutics project will develop novel bispecific immunetherapeutics for different kinds of cancers.