Prime 15

36 teams are in the current ON Prime 15 cohort, which started in April 2024. As the program wraps up, teams will be presenting their learnings at our ON Prime Showcases across Australia. If you are interested in attending, please contact


How do you get people in the mood to collaborate? Grounded in evidence-based approaches to gamification and playfulness as learning modalities, […]

Honeybees are essential for pollinating many of our food crops, with 30% of our food dependent on their pollination. In […]

Millions of dollar are loss annually by the aquaculture industry due to infection and water quality management issues.Well, what we […]

Half a million Australians struggle to access health care because of language barriers. Inefficiencies in current interpreting services for health […]

Road deaths in Australia have been continuously increasing over the past three years, and current road safety technology cannot further […]

The Antimicrobial Eutectogel project focuses on developing advanced topical delivery vehicles for treating skin diseases and infections. Utilizing our patented […]

In the domain of security-sensitive applications, quantum machine learning presents itself as a game-changing solution for data assurance in AI […]

The global energy crisis and increased greenhouse gas emissions are very much alarming stage that forced the Sustainable Energy Team […]

The SMA foil team aimed to address the limitations of existing actuating systems, which are heavy, bulky, complex, and expensive. […]

Fewer Australian students are choosing to purse STEM, and addressing this issue is exacerbated by insufficient evidence to drive innovative […]