Geological and GIS based Analytics


An increasing market demand calls for mines to operate with fewer interruptions, becoming predictive with adaptive practices that keep personnel safe, products flowing and reduce waste and environmental disturbances.

Our research capabilities that are needed to assist the future mine increase digital connectivity, extract better knowledge from existing data and practices and to inform decision making include:

  • Geological expertise (sedimentary and hard-rock knowledge)
  • Spatial analysis and GIS
  • Spatial multiple criteria assessment (SMCA)
  • Self-organising map (SOM) analysis
  • Geological characterisation of coal burst
  • Spatial analysis tool product development
  • Geology/geomorphology interaction
  • Coal use (past, present and developments)
  • Value-chain sustainability
  • Industrie 4.0
  • Landscape and drainage network analysis
  • Climate adaptation methodologies


Heat map  showing areas of high flood potential in red. Mine site infrastructure is overlaid to identify specific vulnerabilities. The areas most critical to the mine (‘hot-spots’) can then be targeted for assessing adaptation options.


A collection of publications on this subject is located here.

Selected papers include:

Hodgkinson, J.H., Crimp, S., Jin, W., Kokic, P. and Grigorescu, M. (2017) Life-of-mine Planning Tools for a Changing Climate – Intuitive, Interrogative, Iterative, From start to finish – A life-of-mine perspective, AusIMM Spectrum Series Publication

Hodgkinson, J.H., Grigorescu, M, Khanal, M. (2016) Reducing mine-site extreme-rainfall vulnerability using CRATER, AusIMM International Mine management, 2016, 22-24 August 2016, Brisbane, Australia

Hodgkinson, J.H., Hobday, A. J., and Pinkard, E. A. (2014) Climate adaptation in Australia’s resource-extraction industries: ready or not?  Regional Environmental Change 14:1663-1678 doi:10.1007/s10113M-014-0618-8 EP137613

Hodgkinson, J.H., Loechel, B., Woolford, C. and Crimp, S., (2014) Assessing the impact of climate variability and change on mining in South Australia, South Australia Workshop 20th June 2014, The Science Exchange, Adelaide. CSIRO Report EP146813

Loechel, B., Hodgkinson, J.H., Moffat, K. (2013) Climate Change Adaptation in Australian mining communities: comparing mining company and local government views and Activities. Climatic Change, 119 (2), 465-477, EP122933

Loechel, B., Hodgkinson, J.H., Prober, S. and Moffat, K. (2013) Climate adaptation in regional mining value chains: A case-study of the Goldfields-Esperance Region, Western Australia. Prepared for the Chamber of Minerals and Energy, Eastern Region, WA and the Goldfields Environmental Management Group. CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering Pullenvale, Australia. EP137045.72pp

Hodgkinson, J.H., Grigorescu, M., and Alehossein, H. (2013) Staying afloat with CRATER: a decision making tool for mine management under extreme climatic events, NCCARF National Adaptation Conference, June 2013, Sydney (poster and presentation)