Autonomous Design – Active Integrated Matter, Future Science Platforms

November 15th, 2018

Autonomous Design

A new technology platform combining materials, robotics, and autonomous science, underpinned by processing and sensing technologies, which will lead to ground-breaking advances at the interface of modelling, advanced autonomous systems and materials science.

The Autonomous Design initiative is part of Active Integrated Matter (AIM), one of the eight Future Science Platforms (FSPs) being run by CSIRO.

Co-funded by CSIRO’s Data61 and Manufacturing Business Units, this is an investment in science that underpins innovation and that has the potential to help reinvent and create new industries for Australia.

FSPs support the growth of capability of a new generation of researchers and allow Australia to attract the best students and experts to work with us on future science.

Running since 2016, the suite of projects relating to Autonomous Design combine advanced materials, new design algorithms, and 3D printing to deliver adapted solutions to field robotics problems in harsh environments.

The Autonomous Design work is broken down into the following work packages:

  • Creating small, printable, autonomous soft robots that are adapted to their environments.
  • Modelling new battery formulations to withstand high temperature operations.
  • Design a range of bespoke grippers based on the jamming of granular materials.
  • Implement a common framework for easier recording and dissemination of materials science experiments.
  • A heat-proof protective skin for our robots.
  • A soft robot that can squeeze into tight spaces and morph into multiple different configurations based on environmental requirements.

According to Dr David Howard, from the Robotics and Autonomous Systems Group at CSIRO Data61, “the key benefits of the project are general-purpose capability to tailor objects to their tasks and operating conditions, and specific capability to generate robust and rugged Robots for deployment into challenging unstructured environments”.

The Robotics and Autonomous System Group is well positioned to explore this field of research given its highly skilled team which includes world class researchers and engineers.

The Group is open to partnerships and collaborations for research, development, and commercialization.

For more information, contact Dr David Howard.