
We combine a blockchain solution with novel access control and revocation techniques to empower users with control of their own data, while supporting secure data sharing across multiple organisations.

Our technology provides a healthy and tasty snack option for everyday athletes that are protein-rich, non-allergenic, and free of artificial flavours and added sugars or syrups.

CSIRO, in collaboration with Griffith University, are developing metal-hydride (MH) based H2 compression technologies. The project aims to design, build, and demonstrate a MH compressor able to compress H2 from 10 to 350 bar.

Best Start FM is to provide an engaging and time efficient assessment of children's foundational movements through a tangible playground resource that can efficiently be used by classroom teachers.

We are developing a process to make solar cells from non-toxic, earth-abundant elements.

Our research idea is to develop a wearable imaging platform technology that allows imaging of our internal body structures while we perform everyday life activities, in a completely safe and automated way.

Green Shield offers a class of materials that are highly adaptive and provide unique solutions for radio frequency shielding or signature management, also known as object camouflage.

WhalePOD is a technology to enable a new age of industrialisation where environmental conservation and scientific contribution is an outcome of business, not a burden.

The WEHI Application Development 'CELLWorks' venture will help to lower the cost, increase the efficiency, and improve the ethical treatment, of using animal models in research environments.