Exmouth Community Presentation – join us on the 9th June 2017
If your local to Exmouth or just up visiting the area for a short time, why not come along to our community presentation?
Members of the Ningaloo Outlook research team will be providing an update on the tagging and tracking theme, and we encourage you to stick around afterwards for a drink and a chat!
When? 9th June 2017 6 pm
Where? Mantarays Ningaloo
Speakers: Dr. Mat Vanderklift & Dr. Rich Pillans (CSIRO)
RSVPs would be appreciated so we can ensure we have enough seats!
Whale sharks are being tagged as part of the project by Dr. Richard Pillans (Image Credit: Anna Cresswell, CSIRO).
Tagging of turtles at Ningaloo. Each year the team provides an opportunity for members of the Cape Conservation Group to take part (Photo Credits, Rich Pillans, Sue Pillans, CSIRO).