
We have developed a range of tools, approaches and techniques that can be deployed to create solutions for and with our customers

Adaptation pathways help decision makers account for the range of possible futures in their decisions today. Global drivers including climate […]

RAPTA is used to design, implement and assess actions for building sustainable futures, while navigating complex realities, contested values and uncertainty. […]

TraNSIT harnesses big data to help improve infrastructure and save millions. CSIRO’s Transport Network Strategic Investment Tool (TraNSIT) helps government and […]

Interactive mapping provides a platform for working with multiple knowledge systems, empowering Indigenous leadership in environmental decision-making. Aboriginal and Torres […]

Our Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools transform our ability to efficiently manage our ecosystems to maximise biodiversity. Our researchers have developed […]

A best practice toolbox for Indigenous peoples and partners when building new partnerships for land and sea management. The Indigenous-led, […]

Ethical community engagement (ECE) is a framework to facilitate the meaningful inclusion of marginalised or disempowered groups in agricultural research-for-development. […]

VRK is a heuristic to help decision makers analyze how the social system shapes their decision context. Adaptation is often […]

The Integrated Spatial Prioritisation (ISP) tool identifies the optimal complementary set of management actions that secure species from extinction. Worldwide, […]

CSIRO has developed tools for improving the design, planning and ultimate success of projects, interventions, programs and policies. CSIRO ensures […]