Marine Environmental Prediction & Informatics
Coastal and marine environments are subject to rapid population growth and industrial development which can create tension between development and the need to conserve the natural values of these highly diverse ecosystems. Global coastal ocean and adjacent estuaries are among the least well observed or predicted environments. As the tension between development and conservation escalates, there is a need to simulate the likely outcomes of managing development in the coastal environment.
A predictive capability that encapsulates our understanding of the coastal dynamics fills in the gaps that exist in current observing systems, to forecast the future system state and run scenarios to answer “what if?” questions. We design information systems to support the dissemination and curation of data used to support management decisions.
Our goal is to develop and apply coastal modelling and information systems that provide skilful products fit for use in research and decision support tools for the public, industry and government.
Capability Profile
Technical capabilities:
- Numerical Modelling
- Circulation
- Waves
- Sediments
- Biogeochemistry
- Marine carbon cycling
- Ocean Acidification
- Bio-optics
- Informatics
- DevOps
- Portals
- Client-driven services
- Software engineering
- Scientific programming
- Model development
- System development
- Data assimilation
- Particle tracking
- Visualisation
Application areas:
- National scale prediction to service the blue economy and government sectors
- Coastal and marine water quality prediction
- Carbon cycling
- Environmental modelling for Defence applications
Related Research
Other resources
National scale prediction animation to follow
Key Contacts

Dr Clothilde Langlais
- Primary
- Phone 1+61 3 6232 5399

Ms Sharon Tickell
- Primary
- Phone 1+61 7 3214 2806