Climate Impacts

Investigating the future impacts of climate change on Torres Strait fisheries
We're embarking on a new research project to model the future risks of climate change on key fisheries in the Torres Strait.

Measuring Adaptation to a Rapidly Changing Environment – Community of Practice Project
Understanding the ability of organisms, communities and ecosystems to adapt to a rapidly changing environment will be essential to predicting […]

Fisheries Climate Adaptation Handbook
As ecosystems change it can be helpful to understand what change has already happened, what change is expected and how you might adapt. The CSIRO collaborated with researchers, fisheries managers and fishers from around Australia to create a handbook that sets out the steps for what kind of change is occurring in an ecosystem and how fisheries and management could be modified to cope.

Marine Heatwaves
Our work seeks to understand the drivers and impacts of marine heatwaves, to develop prediction systems for marine heatwaves, and to work with marine stakeholders to minimise the impact of these extreme events

Forecasting Southern Bluefin Tuna Habitat in the Great Australian Bight
Investigating habitat preferences of southern bluefin tuna (SBT) in the Great Australian Bight (GAB) based on historical archival tag, catch and aerial survey data, and to provide forecasts of habitat distribution.