QUT engineering students visiting CSIRO
Last week, the Robotics and Autonomous Systems Group along with the Distributed Sensing Systems Group at CSIRO’s Data61 welcomed approximately 150 engineering students from the Queensland University of Technology.
The engaged crowd got an in-depth view of our key research areas, robotic platforms and technologies including autonomous cars and autonomous aerial vehicles; wheeled and legged robots; as well our world-leading 3D mapping technology and its many applications, such as search and rescue for the DARPA Subterranean Challenge.
The tour also included BLEAT, a tracking technology; as well as ear tags sensors for livestock management, developed in partnership with the Distributed Sensing Systems Group.

QUT engineering students at the Robotics Innovation Centre.
Technical visits to our facilities & robots, guest talks, and competitions are just some examples of our outreach initiatives.
For more information, contact us.