Syropod High-level Controller (OpenSHC) open-sourced code released
Syropod High-level Controller (SHC) is a versatile controller capable of generating body poses and gaits for quasi-static multilegged robots. It is implemented as a C++ ROS package that can be easily deployed on legged robots with different sensor, leg and joint configurations. SHC is designed to generate foot tip trajectories for a given gait sequence, step clearance, step frequency and input body velocity.
Input sensors such as IMU and joint effort feedback can be utilised by the controller to provide robust trajectories even in inclined and uneven terrain.
SHC was developed at CSIRO’s Robotics and Autonomous Systems Group to support its ongoing legged robot locomotion research.
It is now being released as an open-sourced package, along with tutorials, for the benefit of the wider community as OpenSHC, available on GitHub.
A publication describing OpenSHC and its applications can be found here. A set of tutorials with instructions how to use OpenSHC can be found here.
If you need more information about OpenSHC, please contact us at

Some robots running the Syropod High-level Controller