PhD Project: Health of an Ageing Population

September 26th, 2016

Health is a time dependent process. While medical progress is ensuring an increase in the overall life expectancy, ageing populations are exposed to more health problems. The longer people live, the more probable they are to suffer various illnesses. This positive ageing trend has enormous implications on the overall resources (financial, environmental, economical) and thus improvements on current models for statistical extremes, for financial and actuarial valuations, or mathematical models for populations dynamics are needed to better understand and predict the implications of the current health and ageing trends. The best-developed and most important mathematical models for populations are based on branching processes, the financial and actuarial risk analysis are based on probabilistic models, while the realistic forecasts are primarily based on statistics and extreme value theory. This project is part of a much wider programme to develop probabilistic and statistical modelling of health and ageing models.

[1] Hamza, Kais, Peter Jagers, and Fima C. Klebaner. “On the establishment, persistence, and inevitable extinction of populations.” Journal of mathematical biology 72.4 (2016): 797-820.

[2] Hamza, Kais, Peter Jagers, and Fima C. Klebaner. “The age structure of population-dependent general branching processes in environments with a high carrying capacity.” Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 282.1 (2013): 90-105.

[3] Jagers, Peter, and Fima C. Klebaner. “Population-size-dependent and age-dependent branching processes.”Stochastic Processes and their Applications 87.2 (2000): 235-254.

Applications can be made by selecting the below link.

Please attach supporting documentation including a covering letter outlining why you would like to undertake the PhD project and a current CV including 2 referees. Please note that more than one application can be made if  you wish to be considered for more than one PhD project.
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