Interactive Demo Applications

Interactive Demo Applications:

RiskLab at CSIRO focuses on delivering innovative solutions and services in quantitative risk and optimal decisions under uncertainty for finance, insurance, mining, agriculture and cyber security.

Interactive Optimal Decisions in Superannuation application:

Please see our interactive demo by clicking on the image below (using either Google Chrome or Firefox):

Stage 1 – SUPA Model


Stage 2 – SUPA Accumulation


Stage 3 – SUPA Decumulation


Stage 4 – Pension Multiplier

Further information:


Interactive Optimal Decisions in Asset Allocation:

Please see our interactive demo by clicking on the image below (using either Google Chrome or Firefox). The scenarios for portfolio allocation are for demonstration purpose only, and are not to be taken as advice.

Further information:


Interactive Optimal Decisions in Mining:

Although dynamic strategies can substantially improve project value, they are rarely used by industry. There are two reasons for this: the complexity of the algorithms used to make optimal decisions under uncertainty, and difficulties in visualizing the optimal strategies.

Decision-makers in industry need a way to graphically display the results obtained to facilitate understanding and present results to others. An intuitive display of the boundaries between regions of different optimal decisions (switching boundaries) would greatly assist industry with optimal sequential decision-making under uncertainty.

Please see our interactive demo by clicking on the image below (using either Google Chrome or Firefox):

Further information:


For questions or contact for further information, please email Dr Zili Zhu:

QR codes for smartphones:


Asset Allocation
