#Enabling capabilities

Making data smarter for improved network reliability Our software moves utility companies from reactive to proactive asset management with zero […]

A team photo featuring two men and three women standing against a white background smiling at the camera.

Dragonfly Thinking is pioneering a new frontier in Think Tech — harnessing generative AI to apply novel structured analytic techniques to complex policy and business problems. Seeking: Potential customer connections

Two men and three women are standing together in front of a white background for a team photo, smiling at the camera.

Jessie Technology is a collaboration between ACU and Microsoft, working with leading aged care providers to develop a hands-free technology solution that automates data entry. Seeking: Partnerships with investors and connections with advisors

Quantum technologies provide an opportunity for Australian industries to increase operational optimisation and efficiencies by orders of magnitude. QUOCA can […]

Interactive data board

One out of five children are out of school globally and there are 258 million Out-of-School Children (OOSC) worldwide. UNESCO’s […]

It is important that people with brain injury and stroke engage in rehabilitation activities outside of their clinical appointments to […]

Our unique value proposition lies in addressing the critical concern of intellectual harm associated with AI in education. We aim […]

BiomeMega is an innovative ProbioTech company, creating a bacterial platform to obtain functional ingredients with Australian provenance. Our value proposition […]

Lignik is world's first 100% renewable and recyclable biosynthetic wood. It is an Australian innovation that meets the challenges of […]

Magnetic shape memory alloys (MSMAs) can change their shape rapidly when close to a permanent or an electro-magnet, or perhaps […]