Fireline intensity potential

Fireline intensity measures the rate of heat output per unit length (kW/m2) along the fire’s front and provides valuable information to firefighters, fire managers, fire behaviour analysts and land use planners.


Fireline intensity (FLI) was generated across continental Australia, using baseline and future projections.

A suite of modelled data was produced, accounting for climate projections and relevant return time intervals (a prediction of future extremes), representing fire behaviour in the form of fire rate of spread (ROS) and fireline intensity (FLI).

Additional data such as the Forest Fire Danger Index (FFDI) are also produced.

An map of Australia shaded in colour to respresent Fireline intensity for a 1:20 return time interval based on baseline (ERA5) weather data. Western Australian mapping is currently unavailable to view

A map of Australia shaded in colours to represent Fireline intensity for a 1:20 return time interval based on baseline (ERA5) weather data. Note that Western Australian mapping is currently unavailable to view

Fireline intensity for a 1:20 return time interval based on baseline (ERA5) weather data. Note that Western Australian mapping is currently unavailable to view