Matt Lansdell

Matt Lansdell

Research Technician

CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere

Matt commenced with CSIRO in 2004 as a Spatial Processes Ecologist after finishing his Honours degree in Marine, Freshwater & Antarctic Biology at the University of Tasmania. His work has mainly focused on Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT) and large pelagic fish species, primarily to address fishery management questions, but he has experience in a wide range of field, laboratory and data handling skills that have supported a variety of research projects within CSIRO.

Matt has worked in a diversity of terrestrial and marine environments over the last 12 years, including remote field work in Antarctica, Papua New Guinea, North Queensland and the coastal beaches and marine environment surrounding southern Australia.

For the Marine Debris project, Matt worked in a team carrying out coastal surveys of marine debris around southern Australia from Sydney, NSW, to Geraldton, WA, including the remote south and west coast of Tasmania. Matt also undertook some at-sea surface netting for marine debris off northern Queensland, as well as providing logistical and database support for the project. Matt also assisted in talks to school students and coordinating field surveys for class groups as part of the project’s student outreach program.

A selection of other research projects Matt has participated in includes: understanding the ecological effects of fishing in Australian waters; the close-kin genetics of SBT; electronic and conventional tagging of fishes and sharks to monitor movement, feeding and habitat use; impacts of the Montara oil spill and database development for handling large datasets in several projects.

Matt is based at the CSIRO Marine Laboratories in Hobart.