2021 Sir Robert Price lecture- Professor Whittingham, The 2019 Chemistry Nobel Laureate

March 25th, 2021

We were pleased to host 2019 Nobel Laureate for Chemistry, Prof. Stan Whittingham, as part of the 2021 Sir Robert Price Lecture in conjunction with CSIRO Alumni Network, the ATSE and RACI (and just quietly, our own CSIRO Electrochemical Energy Storage Series) on 11th March 2021. Hosted by Katherine Paroz and Dr. Adam Best, Prof Whittingham describes his research into lithium-ion batteries and discusses some of the advancements that are coming in lithium batteries through his own research. We thank Prof. Whittingham for generously giving his time to give to share his presentation and we hope you enjoy listening to his insights into the exciting world of lithium (ion) batteries.


If you’d like to review the webinar or watch it for the first time, you can connect to it here.