eReefs data

eReefs data is delivered through an interoperable information architecture. The system improves how data is described, discovered and accessed and adopts many of the ‘Linked Data’ principles. To find out more about Linked Data and the Semantic Web, visit and

How to access eReefs data

There are three ways to access eReefs data, each of which is intended for different types of users:

Visualisation portal Data Brokering Layer API Direct from source
DBL-API Screnshot of the NCI fx3 THREDDS Catalog

The Visualisation Portal is the simplest method for most users. It provides access to any dataset which is connected to the eReefs Data Brokering Layer. For more information on how to use the portal, click here.

The Data Brokering Layer (DBL) API is a programmatic interface which allows developers and other technical users to discover the data services belonging to each data product. The DBL API is the front end of the Data Brokering Layer, which is a collection of services and infrastructure designed to harvest information from connected Data Provider Nodes.

Users can also find direct links to data services by using either the Visualisation Portal or the DBL API. These services can then be directly accessed from their host organisations.