Backnumbers Reef

The animation below of Backnumbers, Braggs and Hopkinson reefs (click to start) shows near surface (see title for layer depths in both models) temperature and velocity.  The velocity arrows have been scaled such that their length represents the speed of the current, as well as the distance travelled over a time period (see legend top left).  The thin black lines show depth contours from the GBR100v4 Beaman bathymetry. Additionally, inserts shows surface elevation, near-surface temperature, solar radiation at the pink symbol with the black dot over a month, 10 days and 10 days, centred on the time of the surface plot (as indicated by a pink circle with black boarder) from the RECOM model. The temperature insert shows both the RECOM (black line, pink circle) and GBR1 (grey line, pink square) temperature time-series.  In this example, GBR1 model in this region is approximately 1 km resolution, while the RECOM configuration is about 200 m.