Graincast™ news in 2020
Graincast crop identification for Victoria and southern NSW
You may have seen in the media that in early 2020 CSIRO licensed the exclusive global rights to the Graincast™ technology to Australian rural technology start-up Digital Agriculture Services (DAS). For the first time, farmers can see their 2019 Graincast™ results integrated with a full range of other, publicly available agri, rural and climate risk insights – at no cost – on DAS’ Rural Intelligence Platform™.
However, the free, easy to use Graincast™ app for growers to monitor and forecast their soil moisture and yield is still available at All information on the app and how to use it is available on the Graincast™ website.
We’ve also begun our fortnightly wheat yield forecasts for Western Australia and Australia for the 2020 growing season.
As always, your feedback and questions about Graincast™ are welcome. Complete the feedback form, email us on or follow the conversation on Twitter with #Graincast.
From the Graincast™ team