The team

Dr Andrew Moore
- Andrew led CSIRO's Digiscape Future Science Platform. His research background includes modelling and experimenting in integrated crop-livestock systems, ecosystem services in farming land and mathematical modelling of pasture growth and quality.

Dr Dave Henry
- Dave is a Principal Research Scientist, based in Melbourne, and is Research Leader of the digital agriculture initiative in CSIRO Agriculture & Food. Dave manages CSIRO's AgData Shop.

Dr Rose Roche
- Rose leads Digiscape's WaterWise project. She develops new technologies and integrated digital systems for the agricultural industry to improve farm productivity.

Peter Fitch
- Peter is a principal research scientist, research leader and manager with over 20 years research, industry leadership and management experience. He leads Digiscape’s carbon farming work.

Dr Roger Lawes
- Roger is a farming systems scientist, based in Western Australia. He led Digiscape's Graincast™ project.

Dr Peter Thorburn
- Peter is an agricultural scientist, focusing on developing and applying simulation models to understand soil and plant interactions in agricultural production systems. He leads Digiscape's 1622™ project.

John McCulloch
- John has a robotics and sensing background which has been applied loosely in the marine space for a decade. His current focus is on bringing IoT and machine learning to the aquaculture and, more broadly, agriculture sectors.

Dr Ross Darnell
- Ross is a research scientist with CSIRO's Data61 focusing on survey and experimental design and statistical modelling of environmental and agricultural systems. Ross leads Digiscape's on-farm experimentation project.
Martijn Mooij
- Marty is a Senior User Experience Designer. The majority of his work is in agriculture with a strong focus on creating an environmentally and economically sustainable agricultural future for Australia.
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Dr Randall Donohue
- Randall researches vegetation and remote sensing such as crop yield prediction, nation-wide and global estimation of pasture biomass, and remotely monitoring vegetation condition.

Dr James Risbey
- James works on climate variability and processes, climate diagnostics, forecast verification, and climate applications in the CSIRO Decadal Climate Forecast Project.

Dr Warren Jin
- Warren is part of the statistical computing and data modelling team, in Data61, CSIRO's digital powerhouse. He leads Digiscape's climate forecast downscaling project.

Dr Phil Valencia
- Phil is the Embedded Intelligence team leader at CSIRO’s Data61, based in Brisbane. He works on low power platforms and logic for scientific and commercial solutions that require real-time tracking, physiological and behavioural sensing, embedded classification and distributed logic on embedded devices.

Peter Wilson
- Peter leads the soil and plant modelling south team and is responsible for the technical implementation and delivery of the national soil information infrastructure, including the Australian Soil Resource Information System ASRIS, and the CSIRO National Soil Archive. Peter leads Digiscape’s soil spectral analysis platform project.

Dr Petra Kuhnert
- Petra is a research statistician with Data 61, CSIRO's digital powerhouse. She led Digiscape's Uncertainty project.

Dr Emma Jakku
- Emma's expertise is in the sociology of science and technology to help improve understanding of technology development, implementation and adoption processes in the digital transformation of Australian agriculture. Emma leads Digiscape's social dimensions project.

Pat Mitchell
- Pat uses his expertise in plant biology, climate science and systems modelling to improve climate decisions in agricultural and forest systems. He leads CSIRO's AgScore, Farming Forecaster and Pasture API work, among other projects.

Dr Chen Wang
- Chen leads and develops technologies for large scale data analytics systems for various domains such as radio astronomy, health and agriculture. He led Digiscape's Federated Learning project.

Dr Mingze Xi
- Mingze led the augmented reality component of the aquaculture project. He is a senior experimental scientist with CSIRO's Data61.

Dr Javi Navarro
- Javi was originally a Telecommunications Engineer and is now an agricultural systems analyst.

Dr Thierry Rakotoarivelo
- Thierry's research focuses on data privacy and information security, and their application to federated systems. Thierry led the Digiscape's data staging research project.

Dr Joel Dabrowski
- Joel led the water quality component of Digiscape's aquaculture project. His key research areas are machine learning and probabilistic modelling in time series problems.

Dr Cara Stitzlein
- Cara’s background is in human factors, User Experience (UX) research techniques in industry, remote collaboration, critical care, first generation interfaces and workforce productivity. Cara leads Digiscape’s Biodiversity Co-benefits project.

David Evans
- David is a senior experimental scientist in Inclusive Socio-Technical Innovation at CSIRO's Data61 with expertise in mathematical and statistical modelling.

Dr Simon Fielke
- Simon is a Research Scientist in Agricultural & Digital Innovation. He conducts applied human geographical research into the implications of the digitalisation of agricultural innovation systems.

Dr Aysha Fleming
- Aysha is a Senior Research Scientist in Agricultural & Digital Innovation. is an environmental social scientist (sociologist) based in Hobart, Tasmania. Her background is in adult education, social research in agriculture, communication of climate change and rural sociology.

Dr David Deery
- Dave has played a leading role in the development of highly novel field phenomics approaches using proximal remote sensing, data science.

Dr Karel Mokany
- Karel develops and applies modelling and assessment approaches to improve our understanding of biodiversity patterns and dynamics, helping to ensure well informed biodiversity policy, planning and management decisions.

Dr Chris Ware
- Chris applies expertise in ecological modelling, spatial data analysis, and high performance computing to research aimed at improving our understanding, of and capacity to manage, biodiversity.
Dr Zvi Hochman
- Zvi is a systems agronomist with expertise in managing climate-related crop production risk and in exploring productivity frontiers in rain fed cropping systems. He leads the Wheatcast forecasting work.
Lydia Lucchesi
- Lydia is a PhD Candidate in Computer Science at the Australian National University. Her current research focuses on the visualisation of data quality.

Sam Nelson
- Sam is a research technician in the Biosecurity Risk team in CSIRO’s Data61. He started as a cadet through the Indigenous Cadetship program in 2017. Sam's work predominantly revolves around visualising data, in the form of web applications.

Dr Enli Wang
- Enli is a Chief Research Scientist and project leader. His recent research focuses on integration of genomic data with physiologically-based crop modelling to enable cross-scale prediction of crop performance, and simulation of carbon and nutrient cycling in soil-plant systems.

Di He
- Di is a Research Scientist at CSIRO, based in Canberra. She is the key member in the Digiscape’s work on improving Australia’s digital soil map and developed the inverse modelling approach to predict the soil PAWC.
Dr Dan Gladish
- Dan is a Research Scientist at CSIRO, based in Brisbane. He is the key member in the Digiscape’s work on improving Australia’s digital soil map. Dan conducted the global sensitivity analysis of process-based models and pattern analysis of Australia soil profiles.
Sanji Pallegedara
- Sanji Pallegedara was the postdoctoral research fellow in the Digiscape. She played a key role in the development of the spatial modelling approach for predicting soil hydraulic properties and soil PAWC.

Dr Ashfaqur Rahman
- Ashfaqur's sensor data analytics team develop machine learning algorithms for transforming sensor data into decisions. He led Digiscape’s work on smart glass, computer vision and machine learning for efficient prawn farm management.

Dr Chuong Nguyen
- Chuong's research interest include mixed reality, computer vision, and machine learning for applications in medical, agriculture, ecosystems, supply chain, smart vehicles, smart cities, smart energy, and smart manufacturing.
Stuart Arnold
- Stuart has been involved in a broad range of research projects related to improving the sustainability and productivity of aquaculture.