Harnessing the digital revolution for Australian farmers and land managers

CSIRO’s Digiscape initiative was one of our Future Science Platforms (FSPs) from 2016 to June 2022. The FSP succeeded in solving multiple real-life knowledge shortfalls in the land sector simultaneously. We supported next generation decision making to help transform agricultural industries and environmental action – that work continues across CSIRO agricultural and environmental research.

  • Through harnessing the benefits of the digital revolution, Digiscape made agriculture more profitable, lower impact and lower risk
  • We worked on multiple dimensions of solutions at once to help Australian farmers and land managers innovate faster
  • We developed re-usable components for land sector decision tools that enable CSIRO and the wider agtech sector to unlock existing and future information for end users’ benefit.

Digiscape created a suite of digital products that are expected to create over $400M p.a. of value to Australia by 2028, in addition to significant environmental benefits.

That’s just a start. What could you achieve working with the expertise, resources and knowledge the Digiscape FSP has created within CSIRO?


FOR FURTHER INFORMATION | Dr Andrew Moore | Digiscape Leader | t 02 6246 5298  | e andrew.moore@csiro.au