Presentation Slides
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Aletta Nugent, Director Development Services, Mackay Regional Council
Urban Greening: The Mackay experience
Simone Saunders, CEO, City of Darwin
A cool, clean and green city
Jimmy Cocking, CEO, Desert Knowledge Australia
Building the case for an Arid Zone Living Lab: Collaboration across borders and climatic zones
A/Prof Lisa Law, Tropical Urbanism and Design Lab, James Cook University
Designing tropical cities on a hotter earth
Dr Tim Muster, Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO Environment
Darwin Living Lab: Progressing a cooler and thriving city

Joel Spry, Manager Water Demand, Power and Water Corporation
Living Water Smart(er) – Darwin
Ben Littlejohn, Senior Policy Officer, Office of Water Security (DEPWS)
Government leadership on water efficiency
Bryan Harty, Director, George Brown Botanic Gardens (DEPWS)
Botanic Gardens Water Use and associated issues
Dr Ingrid Coninx, Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands
A prosperous future, within the planetary boundaries: the story of the Netherlands 2120 |

Dr Mahsan Sadeghi, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, CSIRO Energy
Health impacts of greening strategies to cool urban environments
Dr Adam Leidloff, Research Scientist, CSIRO Environment
Larrakia-led survey of biodiversity values of Darwin
Dr Shokida Safarova, Graduate of the Research Institute for the Environment and Livelihoods CDU
Thermal comfort and adaptation strategies of home occupants in Darwin
Dr Ray Marcos Martinez, Senior Research Scientist, CSIRO Environment
‘Releaf’ in sight: High-resolution mapping to track, value, and restore Darwin’s urban tree cover
Dr Natthanij Soonsawad, Research Scientist, CSIRO Environment
Towards net zero carbon: the role of urban buildings
Keith Whannell, Manager Digital Innovation, City of Darwin
Liveability and smart cities