Other Research Pages
A listing of other research pages associated with our ocean and coastal research.

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Capability
We are using machine learning to solve expanding challenges in the marine science domain due to growing data volumes, increased data complexity and reduced data quality.

Threatened, Endangered or Protected Species
Our research seeks to support conservation of marine biodiversity; management of multiple activities in the marine environment; and sustainable use of marine resources

Ocean Futures
Developing new insights, approaches, understanding and tools that can help marine scientists, managers and policy makers prepare for future challenges

Models of Intermediate Complexity for Ecosystem Assessment (MICE)
MICE is part of the ecosystem modelling toolbox to support tactical management decisions in fisheries and conservation

Plastic Pollution
Research that furthers our understanding, management and protection of coastal and marine ecosystems, and empowers community and governments to reduce litter entering our oceans.

Ecological Risk Assessment (ERAEF)
CSIRO provides support to the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) to undertake fishery risk assessments for Commonwealth fisheries

Atlantis an ecosystem model that considers all parts of marine ecosystems – biophysical, economic and social