Paper: Control Comparison and Evaluation of Pneumatic & Electric Linear Actuators for Configurable Center-hub Wheels
Accurate extension control of linear actuators is difficult due to a variety of factors such as loading, friction, external forces, and actuator intrinsics.
Previous research into configurable center-hub wheels focused on the use of pneumatic linear actuators to realise the positioning of a center-hub inside a standard wheel. Due to the inherent non-linear dynamics of pneumatic systems, development of a control algorithm for the wheel system proved difficult.
As a solution to this control problem, we propose the use of electric actuators as a replacement for the pneumatics, and compares control algorithms for each. The use of electric actuators for the wheel is analysed and discussed in comparison to the pneumatics through experimental validation.
To this end, a new wheel is constructed using electric actuators in a similar manner to the existing pneumatic system in order to enable equitable comparisons between the two.
The results of this research act as a foundation for future research into the configurable center-hub wheel leading into the exploration of potential applications.

Posable center-hub wheel using pneumatic linear actuators (left) and electric linear actuators (right).
Lachlan Pond, Tim Hojnik, Paul Flick, Jonathan Roberts (2019) Control Comparison and Evaluation of Pneumatic & Electric Linear Actuators for Configurable Center-hub Wheels. ACRA 2019 Proceedings. Australian Robotics and Automation Association Inc.
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