ICRA2018 – it’s a wrap!
ICRA2018 – it’s a wrap!
The International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society’s flagship conference was held for the first time in Australia last week, 21-25 May 2018.
During this time, Brisbane was home to over 3,000 international robotics delegates who gathered for technical communications through presentations and discussions.
CSIRO was a platinum sponsor of the event, with the Robotics and Autonomous Systems Group facilitating two workshops at the event, one in Multilegged Robots and another on Autonomous Robot Design, apart from having four papers accepted at the Conference:
- Elastic LiDAR Fusion: Dense Map-Centric Continuous-Time SLAM
- Complementary Perception for Handheld SLAM
- DELIGHT: An Efficient Descriptor for Global Localisation using LiDAR Intensities
- Map-Aware Particle Filter for Localization
In addition, a CSIRO Technical Site Tour with over 50 delegates from ICRA was also hosted at the Group’s Queensland Centre for Advanced Technologies (QCAT) facilities in Brisbane.

ICRA2018 CSIRO Technical Site Tour
Widespread media coverage highlighted the latest in robotics research and also announced the new Sixth Wave Alliance, a national robotics R&D strategy to create the critical mass to address large-scale Australian and international challenges using robotics technologies.
The Robotics and Autonomous Systems Group proudly celebrates the opportunity to be involved in this world-class flagship event in the robotics field.

Robotics and Autonomous Systems Group team at ICRA2018
Other related stories and media coverage
Robots only a threat to dirty, dull and dangerous jobs: expert – by Brisbane Times.
CSIRO Shows Off UAVs, UUVs and Giant ‘Robot Spiders’ at ICRA2018 – by Drone Below.
Sixth Wave Alliance to accelerate Robotics and Autonomous systems R&D – by CSIRONews.
Alliance to advance Australian Robotics – by Industry update.
CSIRO Data61 Technical Site Tour – by Seven News.
CSIRO Data61 Technical Site Tour – by ABC National News.