Dr. Elliot Duff – 25 years of continuous service – congratulations!
Dr. Elliot Duff – 25 years of service

Dr Elliot Duff.
After over two decades of outstanding contributions to the today called Robotics and Autonomous Systems Group, Elliot Duff gets the spotlight as we congratulate him for 25 years of continuous service at CSIRO!
In fact, you don’t count a three months break, Elliot’s history at CSIRO is actually 33 years long.
Having joined the Autonomous Systems Lab in 1997, Elliot has led the robotic perception team with interests in localization and mobile mapping in GPS denied areas for a number of years. More recently, he led the Autonomous Systems Program with interests in field robotics, sensor networks and cognitive systems.
Today Elliot oversees a number of emerging markets, including Spatial Intelligence and the Industrial Internet.
Congratulations Elliot!