Measure category: poor host or carrier

Risk reduction objective: Minimise vulnerability of the commodity to infestation

Measures in this category include

  • Poor host or carrier status
  • Poor developmental stage
  • Quality specifications
  • Modify vulnerability
  • Prohibit parts of the commodity

Note that this resource is a working draft, which is currently being reviewed and updated in collaboration with biosecurity specialists.

Category information

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Take actions that ensure that the traded commodity is a relatively poor host or carrier for the pest, at relevant pest exposure levels.

Determination of the relationship between pest exposure (pest abundance, duration, physiological status) and infestation rate for relevant developmental stages or conditions of the commodity. In some cases, pest survival and development in the commodity may also be important.

Requires assurance that only the permitted poor host commodity or stage are being consigned.

A commonly used measure, sometimes used on its own (conditional non-host status). It is relevant to both production and post-production stages. Poor host or carrier status is also used to estimate unrestricted risk.   

Being a poor host or carrier will greatly reduce overall risk at a given pest abundance and should, therefore, reduce the requirements for other measures. For example, rejection thresholds for pest monitoring to support low pest prevalence measures could be expected to be higher, and required efficacy of kill treatments lower, for poorer hosts or carriers.

Key references will be determined through consultation with biosecurity specialists and added here in the coming months.