
Scientific articles, reports, industry updates and media from our team about our phytosanitary risk science

Scientific journal articles

Our phytosanitary risk research – including new methods and models, as well as analyses that underpin market access proposals – are submitted for publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals to enable their international recognition and acceptance. Here are our published articles:

Science pipeline

Scientific journal articles from our team that are in preparation or have been submitted for review:

  • Howse, E.T., Beeton, N., van Klinken, R., James, K.P., Hill, M.P., (in review) Comparing the efficacy of male and female lures for monitoring Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) under a range of climatic conditions and population pressure in Western Australia. Target journal: Journal of Economic Entomology
  • Caley et al. (late draft). Evaluating the inclusion of reject bin sampling as an additional measure when determining horticultural product integrity. Target journal TBD


Hort Innovation project, AM17001 | Final Report

CSIRO and its partners collaborated on a Hort Innovation project between 2017-2022, Developing a national systems approach for meeting biosecurity requirements to access key Asian markets (AM17001).

This national, collaborative project aimed to support the broader use of phytosanitary systems approaches through the development of quantitative risk tools, testing and refining of these tools through commercial application, and by extensive engagement with industry, regulators and the scientific community. The Australian cherry, citrus, berry and apple industries participated in project case studies. The project delivered far-reaching benefits for the horticulture industry. For the first time industry and regulators have a tool kit they can use to quantify biosecurity risks of trade, and to develop, assess, negotiate and cost the best set of phytosanitary measures to manage those risks. Read the final report here:

Industry journal articles

These articles from Australian Fruit Grower and Australian Tree Crop outline our research in apples and cherries to support improved domestic and international market access.