Unconventional Resources

Australia has vast resources of unconventional gas including coal seam gas, shale gas and tight gas. The gas is found in complex geological systems and is normally difficult to produce, requiring innovative technological solutions for extraction.

CSIRO research is aimed at improving understanding of Australia’s unconventional gas resources and developing sound and proven technologies to ensure it is developed efficiently, and in a socially and environmentally responsible way.

Our science and research is used by the gas industry and Australian governments to develop policy and make decisions about the development and management of unconventional gas.

CSIRO and its partners established the Gas Industry Social & Environmental Research Alliance (GISERA) to learn more about the environmental, social and economic impacts of unconventional gas.

The independent, peer-reviewed research findings are all publicly available on the GISERA [external link] website and are helping industry, government and communities make informed decisions about unconventional gas developments.

In addition to working as part of GISERA, CSIRO is also working with the Department of Environment, the Bureau of Meteorology and Geoscience Australia on a program of bioregional assessments in order to better understand the potential impacts of coal seam gas and large coal mining developments on water resources and water-related assets.

For more information please follow the link

Coal seam gas

Developing the shale gas potential