Participatory Approach

July 14th, 2016


A participatory approach is necessary to guide the direction and execution of the project to assure that the results respond to the needs of the stakeholders of the river basin. There are three levels of participation which form the governance of the project: Stakholders, Advisory Group and the Professional Team of the Project.

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The Stakeholders represent a broad variety of activities, sectors and economic, social and environmental interests within the basin, including actors of the public sector and the private sector, and both consumers and non-consumers of the water resources. This group will be invited to the workshops which will be held throughout the project, where they can express their opinions regarding the progress of the project and participate in the elaboration of the vision for the water resources of the Rapel River Basin.

The Professional Team of the Project is in charge of executing the project in alignment with the decisions of the Advisory Group and the opinions of the Stakeholders.

The Advisory Group, represented by diverse institutions related to water management in the river basin, will support the decision making of the project. To achieve this, the opinions of the Stakeholders and the Professional Team of the Project will be taken into account. This group will also provide relevant information and knowledge about the water resources of the river basin.
Current Members of the Advisory Group:
