Focus areas

PVC recycling
Our research is helping to improve processes and specifications for PVC recycling. The challenge Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is one of […]

Indo-Pacific Plastics Innovation Network
The challenge Globally, 75 per cent of plastic produced becomes waste. Plastic knows no borders, with plastic waste now considered […]

Totally recyclable paint
The challenge Used and unwanted paint is commonly sent to landfill. The incorrect disposal of paint can lead to environmental […]

Advanced recycling
The challenge Advanced recycling is also referred to as feedstock, molecular or chemical recycling. It involves a range of technologies […]

Biodegradable development
The challenge One million tonnes of Australia's annual plastic consumption is single-use plastic such as that used in food packaging. […]

Insects as bio-transformers
The challenge Ever wondered what happens to plastic consumed by insects? Our research is hoping to answer questions such as: […]

India-Australia partnership
In June 2020, Prime Minister Scott Morrison of Australia and Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India agreed to collaborate on an ambitious program to reduce plastic waste.

Sprayable biodegradable agricultural mulch
We have developed an environmentally-friendly, sprayable biodegradable polymer membrane product that can help farmers produce more during harvest, on the same land area, while using less water, nutrients and agrochemicals.

PETase enzymes
The challenge The use of plastic materials has spread to all industries and manufactured products given their outstanding mechanical properties, […]