
A selection of our journal papers, reports and other communication materials.

Journal Papers


Ansari, D., Schönenberg, R., Abud, M., Becerra, L., de la Vega-Leinert, A.C., Dudley, N., Dunlop, M., Figueroa, C., Guevara, O., Hauser, P. and Hobbie, H., 2021. Communications on climate change and biodiversity loss with local populations: Exploring best-practices and postcolonial moments in eight case studies from across the globe.

Colloff, M.J., Gorddard, R., Abel, N., Locatelli, B., Wyborn, C., Butler, J.R., Lavorel, S., van Kerkhoff, L., Meharg, S., Múnera-Roldán, C. and Bruley, E., 2021. Adapting transformation and transforming adaptation to climate change using a pathways approach. Environmental Science & Policy, 124, pp.163-174.

Hayes, L., Manyweathers, J., Maru, Y., Loechel, B., Kelly, J., Kruger, H., Woodgate, R. and Hernandez-Jover, M., 2021. Stakeholder mapping in animal health surveillance: A comparative assessment of networks in intensive dairy cattle and extensive sheep production in Australia. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 190, p.105326.

Manyweathers, J., Maru, Y., Hayes, L., Loechel, B., Kruger, H., Mankad, A., Xie, G., Woodgate, R. and Hernandez-Jover, M., 2021. Using a Bayesian Network Predictive Model to Understand Vulnerability of Australian Sheep Producers to a Foot and Mouth Disease Outbreak. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 8, p.514.

Manyweathers, J., Maru, Y., Hayes, L., Loechel, B., Kruger, H., Mankad, A., Xie, G., Woodgate, R. and Hernandez-Jover, M., 2021. The goat industry in Australia: Using Bayesian network analysis to understand vulnerability to a foot and mouth disease outbreak. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 187, p.105236.

Werners, S.E., Wise, R.M., Butler, J.R., Totin, E. and Vincent, K., 2021. Adaptation pathways: a review of approaches and a learning framework. Environmental Science & Policy, 116, pp.266-275.



Butler, J.R., Rochester, W., Skewes, T.D., Wise, R.M., Bohensky, E.L., Katzfey, J., Kirono, D.G., Peterson, N., Suadnya, W., Yanuartati, Y. and Handayani, T., 2020. How feasible is the scaling-out of livelihood and food system adaptation in Asia-Pacific Islands?. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4, p.43.

Colloff, M.J., Wise, R.M., Palomo, I., Lavorel, S. and Pascual, U., 2020. Nature’s contribution to adaptation: insights from examples of the transformation of social-ecological systems. Ecosystems and People, 16(1), pp.137-150.

Fazey, I., Schäpke, N., Caniglia, G., Hodgson, A., Kendrick, I., Lyon, C., Page, G., Patterson, J., Riedy, C., Strasser, T. and Verveen, S., 2020. Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: Visions of future systems and how to get there. Energy research & social science, 70, p.101724.

Hill, R., Walsh, F.J., Davies, J., Sparrow, A., Mooney, M., Council, C.L., Wise, R.M. and Tengö, M., 2020. Knowledge co-production for Indigenous adaptation pathways: Transform post-colonial articulation complexes to empower local decision-making. Global Environmental Change, 65, p.102161.

Manyweathers, J., Hernández-Jover, M., Hayes, L., Loechel, B., Kelly, J., Felton, S., El Hassan, M., Woodgate, R. and Maru, Y., 2020. Are we Foot and Mouth Disease ready?. Journal of Science Communication, 19(3), p.C02.

Manyweathers, J., Maru, Y., Hayes, L., Loechel, B., Kruger, H., Mankad, A., Xie, G., Woodgate, R. and Hernandez-Jover, M., 2020. Understanding the vulnerability of beef producers in Australia to an FMD outbreak using a Bayesian Network predictive model. Preventive veterinary medicine, 175, p.104872.

Nielsen, U.N., Stafford-Smith, M., Metternicht, G.I., Ash, A., Baumber, A., Boer, M.M., Booth, S., Burnside, D., Churchill, A.C., El Hassan, M. and Friedel, M.H., 2020. Challenges, solutions and research priorities for sustainable rangelands. The Rangeland Journal, 42(5), pp.359-373.


van Kerkhoff, L., Munera, C., Dudley, N., Guevara, O., Wyborn, C., Figueroa, C., Dunlop, M., Hoyos, M.A., Castiblanco, J. and Becerra, L., 2019. Towards future-oriented conservation: Managing protected areas in an era of climate change. Ambio, 48(7), pp.699-713.


Fedele, G., Locatelli, B., Djoudi, H. and Colloff, M.J. (2018) Reducing risks by transforming landscapes: cross-scale effects of land-use changes on ecosystem services. PloS One 13(4), e0195895.

Gorddard, R., Colloff, M.J., Wise, R.M. and Dunlop, M. (2017) Keys to transformation: interactions of values, rules and knowledge. Integration and Implementation Insights

Hobday, A. J., V. A. J. Doerr, N. A. Marshall, C. Cvitanovic and L. Lim-Camacho (2018). Adapting to climate change: the role of organisational personalities in natural resource management. Regional Environmental change 18(2): 561–571. DOI 510.1007/s10113-10017-11227-10110.

Wilcox, C., A. J. Hobday and L. E. Chambers (2018). Expert elicitation of anticipated climate impacts on iconic Australian marine species. Ecological Indicators 95(1): 637-644.



Alderman, R. and A. J. Hobday (2017). Developing a climate adaptation strategy for vulnerable seabirds based on prioritisation of intervention options. Deep Sea Research II 140: 290-297

Colloff, M.J., Lavorel, S., van Kerkhoff, L.E., Wyborn, C.A., Fazey, I., Gorddard, R., Mace, G.M., Foden, W.B., Dunlop, M., Prentice, C., Crowley, J., Leadley, P. and Degeorges, P. (2017) Transforming conservation science and practice for a post-normal world. Conservation Biology 31, 1008–1017.

Colloff, M. J., Martín-López, B., Lavorel, S., Locatelli, B., Gorddard, R., Longaretti, P. Y., … & Wise, R. M. (2017). An integrative research framework for enabling transformative adaptation. Environmental Science & Policy, 68, 87-96.

Doherty, M.D., Lavorel, S., Colloff, M.J., Williams, K.J. and Williams, R.J. (2017) Moving from autonomous to planned adaptation in the montane forests of southeastern Australia under changing fire regimes. Austral Ecology 42, 309–316.

Duvat, Virginie; Magnan, Alexandre; Wise, Russ; Hay, John; Fazey, Ioan; Hinkel, Jochen; Stojanovic, Timothy; Yamano, Hiroya; Ballu, Valerie. Trajectories of exposure and vulnerability of small islands to climate change. WIREs Climate Change. 2017; 8(6):e478.

Fazey, I., Schäpke, N., Caniglia, G., Patterson, J., Hultman, J., Van Mierlo, B., … & Al Waer, H. (2018). Ten essentials for action-oriented and second order energy transitions, transformations and climate change research. Energy research & social science, 40, 54-70.

Fleming, A., Wise, R. M., Hansen, H., & Sams, L. (2017). The sustainable development goals: A case study. Marine Policy, 86, 94-103.

Prober, S.M., Colloff, M.J., Abel, N., Crimp, S., Doherty, M.D., Dunlop, M., Eldridge, D.J., Gorddard, R., Lavorel, S., Metcalfe, D.J., Murphy, H.T., Ryan, P. and Williams, K.J. (2017) Informing climate adaptation pathways in multi-use woodland landscapes using the values-rules-knowledge framework. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 241, 39–53.



Abel, N., Wise, R.M., Colloff, M.J., Walker, B.H., Butler, J.R.A., Ryan, P., Norman, C., Langston, A., Anderies, J.M., Gorddard, R., Dunlop, M. and O’Connell, D. (2016) Building a resilient pathway towards transformation when “no-one is in charge”: insights from Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin. Ecology and Society 21(2), 23. [online]

Alderman, R. and A. J. Hobday (2016). Developing a climate adaptation strategy for vulnerable seabirds based on prioritisation of intervention options. Deep Sea Research II: doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.07.003.

Butler, J. R. A., Suadnya, W., Yanuartati, Y., Meharg, S., Wise, R. M., Sutaryono, Y., & Duggan, K. (2016). Priming adaptation pathways through adaptive co-management: design and evaluation for developing countries. Climate Risk Management, 12, 1-16.


Colloff, M.J., Doherty, M.D, Lavorel, S., Dunlop, M., Wise, R.M. & Prober, S.M. (2016, published online) Adaptation services and pathways for the management of temperate montane forests under transformational climate change. Climatic Change

Colloff, M. J., Lavorel, S., Wise, R., Dunlop, M., Overton, I. C., & Williams, K. (2015). Adaptation services of floodplains and wetlands under transformational climate change. Ecological Applications 26, 1003-1017.

Fazey, I., Wise, R. M., Lyon, C., Câmpeanu, C., Moug, P., & Davies, T. E. (2016). Past and future adaptation pathways. Climate and Development, 8(1), 26-44.

Gorddard, R., Colloff, M. J., Wise, R. M., Ware, D., & Dunlop, M. (2016). Values, rules and knowledge: Adaptation as change in the decision context. Environmental Science & Policy, 57, 60-69. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2015.12.004

Wyborn, C., Kerkhoff, L., Dunlop, M., Dudley, N., & Guevara, O. (2016). Future oriented conservation: knowledge governance, uncertainty and learning. Biodiversity and Conservation, 1-8. DOI: 10.1007/s10531-016-1130-x



Butler, J. R. A., Bohensky, E. L., Suadnya, W., Yanuartati, Y., Handayani, T., Habibi, P., … & Park, S. E. (2015). Scenario planning to leap-frog the Sustainable Development Goals: An adaptation pathways approach. Climate Risk Management.

Chambers, L. E., T. A. Patterson, A. J. Hobday, J. P. Y. Arnould, G. N. Tuck, C. Wilcox and P. Dann (2015). Determining trends and environmental drivers from long-term marine mammal and bird data: Examples from Southern Australia. Regional Environmental Change 15(1): 197-209 DOI 10.1007/s10113-014-0634-8.

Fazey, I., Wise, R. M., Lyon, C., Câmpeanu, C., Moug, P., & Davies, T. E. (2015). Past and future adaptation pathways. Climate and Development, 1-19.

Hill, R., Miller, C., Newell., B., Dunlop, M. and Gordon, I. (2015) Why biodiversity declines as protected areas increase: the effect of the power of governance regimes on sustainable landscapes. Sustainability Science 10, 357-369.

Hobday, A. J., L. E. Chambers and J. P. Y. Arnould (2015). Prioritizing climate change adaptation options for iconic marine species. Biodiversity and Conservation 24(14): 3449-3468 DOI 10.1007/s10531-015-1007-4.

Lavorel, S., Colloff, M. J., Mcintyre, S., Doherty, M. D., Murphy, H. T., Metcalfe, D. J., … & Williams, K. J. (2015). Ecological mechanisms underpinning climate adaptation services. Global change biology, 21(1), 12-31.

Lynch, T. P., R. Alderman and A. J. Hobday (2015). A high-resolution panorama camera system for monitoring colony-wide seabird nesting behaviour. Methods in Ecology and Evolution: doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.12339.

Sanderson, T., Hertzler, G., Capon, T. and Hayman, P. (2015, published online) A real options analysis of Australian wheat production under climate change. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 59, 1-18.

Thomson, R. B., R. L. Alderman, G. N. Tuck and A. J. Hobday (2015). Effects of climate change and fisheries bycatch on shy albatross (Thalassarche cauta) in southern Australia. PLoS ONE 10(6): e0127006. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0127006.

Thresher, R. E., J. M. Guinotte, R. J. Matear and A. J. Hobday (2015). Options for managing impacts of climate change on a deep-sea community. Nature Climate Change: DOI: 10.1038/NCLIMATE2611.


Hobday, A. J. and G. T. Pecl (2014). Identification of global marine hotspots: sentinels for change and vanguards for adaptation action. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 24: 415-425. DOI 10.1007/s11160-013-9326-6.

Maru, Y. and Stafford Smith, M. (2014) GEC special edition – Reframing adaptation pathways. Global Environmental Change 28, 322-324.

Maru, Y., Stafford Smith, M., Sparrow, A., Pinho, P. and Dube, O.P. (2014) A linked vulnerability and resilience framework for adaptation pathways in remote disadvantaged communities. Global Environmental Change 28, 337-350.

Wise, R. M., Fazey, I., Smith, M. S., Park, S. E., Eakin, H. C., Van Garderen, E. A., & Campbell, B. (2014). Reconceptualising adaptation to climate change as part of pathways of change and response. Global Environmental Change, 28, 325-336.


Dunlop M. (2013) Strategy conservation. Nature Climate Change 3, 1019-1020.



Hobday, A. J., L. E. Chambers and J. P. Y. Arnould (2015). Methods to prioritise adaptation options for iconic seabirds and marine mammals impacted by climate change. Applied Studies in Climate Adaptation. J. P. Palutikof, S. L. Boulter, J. Barnett and D. Rissik, Wiley: 77-94.


Colloff, Matthew J. Flooded Forest and Desert Creek; ecology and history of the River Red Gum. CSIRO Publishing.



Australian Government. Knowledge brokering insights and recommendations for the Australian Climate Service. ACS Work Stream 4 – Report 1, June 2021

Australian Government. A Repeatable Process: Development and Delivery of Climate and Disaster Risk Scenarios and Workshop ACS Work Stream 4 – Report 2, June 2021

Harkness, P., Lyons, P., Edwards, J., Farbotko, C. and Meharg, S. Gathering and documenting decision-making process of the NRRA and EMA. Report for the establishment of the Australian Climate Service, Canberra, 2021. 16pp.

Okelo, W., Sutherland, T., Meharg, S., et. al. Enhancing the Management of Antimicrobial Resistance (EMAR) in Fiji. Annual Report to ACIAR.  Canberra, March 2021


Horner, Nerida; Muster, Tim; Cook, Stephen; Lin, Brenda; Williams, Rachel; Meharg, Seona; et al. Darwin Living Lab Inaugural Science Symposium – Urban Design and Heat Mitigation in the Tropics. Darwin: CSIRO; 2020.

O’Connell, D., Grigg, N., Hayman, D., Bohensky, E., Measham, T., Wise, R., Maru, Y., Dunlop, M., Patterson, S., Vaidya, S. and Williams, R., 2020. Disaster-resilient and adaptive to change–narratives to support co-ordinated practice and collective action in Queensland.

Okelo, W.; Keyburn, A., and Meharg, S. et al. Supporting Fijian health and agricultural authorities to implement the National Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Action Plan. ACIAR SRA Final Report, 2020.

Measham, T., Bohensky, E., Grigg, N., O’CONNELL, D., Wise, R., Dunlop, M., Williams, R., Maru, Y. and Gorddard, R., 2020. Key insights on resilience: Conversations with Queensland state agencies.

Muster, Tim; Barnett, Guy; Toze, Simon; Quezada, George; Horner, Nerida; Moglia, Magnus; Williams, Rachel; Meharg, Seona; et al. The Science of CSIRO Urban Living Labs: pushing the boundaries. In: Urban Design and Heat Mitigation in the Tropics; 12 December 2019; CDU Waterfront Campus, Darwin. CSIRO; 2020. 12.

Muster, Tim; Barnett, Guy; Toze, Simon; Quezada, George; Horner, Nerida; Moglia, Magnus; Williams, Rachel; Meharg, Seona; et al. Urban Living Labs. In: Heat and Habitat in Cities Symposium; 10 December 2019; National Wine Centre, Adelaide. University of Adelaide, CSIRO; 2020. 21.

Williams R, Meharg S and Muster TH (2020) Tracking Darwin – A framework for Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning about change in Darwin and the impact of the Darwin Living Lab, 201955.


O’Connell, D., Maru, Y., Grigg, N., Walker, B., Abel, N., Wise, R., Cowie, A., Butler, J., Stone-Jovicich, S., Stafford-Smith, M. and Ruhweza, A., 2019. Resilience, adaptation pathways and transformation approach. A guide for designing, implementing and assessing interventions for sustainable futures (version 2).


Butler, James; Meharg, Seona; Wise, Russ; Bohensky, Erin; Peterson, Nate; Cosmas, Apelis; Knijff, Eli; Allnutt, Jaslyn. Building Capacity for Responsible and Sustainable Development in the Bismarck Sea, Papua New Guinea: Program Evaluation and Learning. Canberra: CSIRO; 2018. csiro:EP18508.

Butler, James; Peterson, Nate; Wise, Russ; Apeils, Cosmas; Masike-Liri, Barbara; Meharg, Seona; Bohensky, Erin; Vaghelo, Desmond; Paisparea, Florence; Lipsett-Moore, Geoff; Skewes, Tim; Hayes, Donna; Fischer, Mibu; Dunstan, Piers; Suruman, Bernard. Seascapes Planning in the Bismarck Sea, Papua New Guinea: A Guidance Document. CSIRO/TNC: The Nature Conservancy; 2018. csiro:EP18505.

Dunlop, M., Meharg, S., Lawrence, J., Munera, C. and Ryan, P. (2018)  Pathways Praxis for values, rules and knowledge.  Session Report for Adaptation Futures 2018, Cape Town, South Africa. [ddownload id=”628″]

McEvoy, S., Butler, J., Meharg, S., Van Epp, M., Combest Friedman, C., Totin, E. and Bohensky, E. (2018) Evaluating social learning and its impacts in participatory adaptation planning. Session Report for Adaptation Futures 2018, Cape Town, South Africa. [ddownload id=”631″]

Seona Meharg, Minh Nguyen, Ziniu Xiao, Nguyen Hieu Trung, Nguyen Thi Bich Phuong, Dinh Diep Anh Tuan (2018), ‘What makes Yunnan province, China vulnerable to drought and flood?’ – Climate Adaptation Workshop Reports for Pu’er and Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China, CSIRO Land and Water, Australia.[ddownload id=”636″]

Deborah O’Connell, Russell Wise, Veronica Doerr, Nicky Grigg, Rachel Williams, Seona Meharg, Michael Dunlop, Jacqui Meyers, Jill Edwards, Monica Osuchowski, Mark Crosweller (2018). Approach, methods and results for co-producing a systems understanding of disaster. Technical Report Supporting the Development of the Australian Vulnerability Profile. CSIRO, Australia.

Wise, R., Meharg, S., Butler, J., Manning Brown, C., and Hamden, R. (2018) Identifying transferable lessons from coastal communities’ transformational adaptation pathways.  Session Report for Adaptation Futures 2018, Cape Town, South Africa. [ddownload id=”632″]


Dunlop, M., Gorddard, R., Ryan, P., MacKenzie, J., Waudby, H., Skinner, A., & Bond, T. (2016) Exploring Adaptation Pathways in the Murray Basin. CSIRO

Dunlop, M., & Ryan, P. (2016) Climate-ready biodiversity management: a tool to help design biodiversity projects in the face of climate change. CSIRO.


Grigg, N., Abel, N., O’Connell, D. & Walker, B. (2015) Resilience Assessment Desktop Case Studies in Thailand and Niger. CSIRO Land and Water, Canberra.

O’Connell, D., Walker, B., Abel, N. and Grigg, N. (2015) The Resilience-Adaptation-Transformation Framework: From Theory to Application. CSIRO Land and Water, Canberra.


Hertzler, G., Sanderson, T., Capon, T., Hayman, P., Kingwell, R., McClintock, A., Crean, J., Randall, A. (2013). Will primary producers continue to adjust practices and technologies, change production systems or transform their industry? An application of real options. Final Report. National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, Gold Coast.