Dr Brano Kusy wins CSIRO’s AIM FSP Leadership Award
Congratulations to our Group Leader Dr Brano Kusy for winning the AIM FSP Leadership Award as part of AIM 2020 Conference. The award was jointly given to Dr David Howard from our sister group, Robotics and Autonomous Systems.

Dr Brano Kusy
Active Integrated Matter (AIM) is one of the 10 Future Science Platforms (FSPs) being run by CSIRO. Offering a new technology platform combining materials, robotics, and autonomous science, underpinned by processing and sensing technologies, CSIRO’s AIM FSP will lead ground-breaking advances at the interface of big data, advanced autonomous systems and materials science.
The innovation developed in CSIRO’s AIM FSP will support the fourth wave of the industrial revolution—industry 4.0—providing global solutions and positioning early adopter industries ahead of the pack.
The award reflects the receivers’ efforts in bringing together research in two Testbeds, two external collaborators, and their work to advance the science in both Autonomous Design (through new soft robotics technologies) and Coral Reef Monitoring (through intrinsically safe, flexible, sensing devices) with the ‘Soft Skin Robot’ project.
Congratulations Brano!
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