DCFP Completes TasLab Engage Project

April 21st, 2020

The TasLab Engage project has been recently completed. The  engagement-focused project was led by DCFP’s Dr Carly Tozer and James Risbey and was funded by the National Environmental Science Program (NESP) Earth Systems and Climate Change Hub (ESCC). Project activities were designed to contribute to the DCFP’s goals of advancing the utility of multi-year to decadal forecasts; which they are delivering, in Australian industry; and undertaking fundamental research into the predictability of annual to decadal variability in important climate variables.

Four Tasmanian-based industry stakeholders (Antarctic operations, wine producers, hydropower generation and emergency services) were engaged to explore the climate sensitivities and climate information needs of their industry, focusing on the annual, multi-year to decadal timescale.

Through consultation, it became apparent that each of the stakeholders have a set of decisions they regularly make, or have the potential to make, on annual to multi-year timescales. However, it should be noted that multi-year forecasts might be suited to some industries more than others. For example, those in more reactive industries, like the emergency services, may find multi-year forecasts less useful.

The outcomes of TasLab Engage serves to provide focus for DCFP’s activities by contributing a highlighted awareness of the need to include assessment of the stakeholder relevant climate variables in their routine forecast skill assessments.

Continuing one-on-one engagement with a broad cross section of stakeholders will ensure research; as well as how this research is conveyed, is an important way of providing insight into the complexities and climate information needs of individual industries.

The Project’s final report can be read here: ESCCHub_TasLabEngage_report_Final.