CAFE-88 Completed its first year of the 30 year coupled ocean-atmosphere-sea-ice climate reanalysis!

February 18th, 2019

After 23 days since launching on 21st January 2019, CAFE-88 completed its first year of the 30-year coupled ocean-atmosphere-sea-ice climate reanalysis. The system continues to run smoothly on raijin at NCI. The entire reanalysis is expected to complete in around 600 days.

The majority of assimilated data for the period 1988-1993 is the JRA55 atmospheric reanalysis, OSISAF daily sea-ice concentration and Reynolds SST. In-Situ ocean observations from CORA5.0 are being assimilated, however, these are sparse. The subsurface-ocean is not expected to be constrained to observations until the Argo era from 2002 onwards. The following image shows forecast innovation statistics for assimilated variables, the progress of CAFE-88 and the first birthday summer Antarctic sea-ice forecast.