Zeiss AxioImager M1

Room B:04 Fluorescence microscopy, South wall, BMIC, Synergy LG.

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The Zeiss Axio Imager M1 is a compound, upright, high-performance fluorescence microscope for imaging slide-mounted samples.
The system is equipped with a camera (Zeiss AxioCam HRc) and is capable of brightfield, DIC (Differential Interference Contrast), and fluorescence multichannel imaging using a Colibri 7 LED configurable light source. The fully motorised stage and filter turret is controlled using ZEN software allowing multi-dimensional data acquisition, such as multiple fluorescence channels, tiled images, Z-stacks, and time lapse.
By default the microscope is set up with DAPI, CFP, GFP, YFP and DsRed filter cubes. Additional filters are available and detailed below.
The microscope is equipped with 5x, 10x, 20x and 40x dry objective lenses along with 63x (oil) and 100x (water) immersion objectives.
Please get in touch with us if you are unsure which filter cube/light is best suited to your experiment.
Training: use of this microscope requires at least one training session with Viv or Phil. Please contact us at least 2 weeks in advance to organise training. Registration to book the equipment will not be available until training is complete.


Filter sets available in BMIC
02 (DAPI) 47 (CFP) 38 HE 09 46 HE 46 43 HE (DS-RED) 64 HE (mPlum)
Ex (nm) 365 423-448 450-490 450-490 487-512 490-510 537-562 575-600
Beam splitter 395 FT 455 FT 495 HE FT 510 FT 515 HE FT 515 FT 570 HE FT 605
Em (nm) >420 460-500 500-550 >515 520-550 520-550 570-640 612-682


Image gallery – example images from the AxioImager M1

Phil Hands - Brightfield micrograph of a Canola stem section stained with Toluidine blue dye.

Brightfield image of Canola stem section, Toluidine blue stained

DIC image of Fluoresecently labeled yeast cells

Fluoresecent image of maize protoplasts expressing GFP

Phil Hands - Fluorescence microscopy.
Images uses extended depth of focus imaging on the Zeiss AxioImager to capture an image of thick material.

Tiled, multichannel fluorescence image of a canola flower

A BMIC user manual and list of BMIC filters is available via the EZbooking object page

Additional resource downloads

Zeiss AxioImager operating manual – Download

Colibri 7 LED light source operating manual – Download