Leica CM1850

Location: General lab area, BMIC, Synergy LG.

Make a Booking

The Leica CM1850 cryostat is a cryo cooled rotary microtome for preparation of sections from snap-frozen, fresh and fixed material.  The unit allows preparation of sections 1-60um thickness and is also equiped with a cryojane tape transfer system.  The Cryojane system enables preparation of undistorted sections from large and fragile samples without freeze/thaw distortion by collecting onto adhesive tape and firmly adheres to specially coated slides using a UV light curing process.

Training: use of this microscope requires at least one training session with Viv or Phil.  Please contact us at least 2 weeks in advance to organise training. Registration to book the equipment will not be available until training is complete.














Resource downloads

Cryostat user’s manual – Download

Cryojane user’s manual – Download