An industry friendly, inexpensive DNA extraction method for Penaeid shrimp that is compatible with Sequenom® iPLEX Platinum SNP pedigree genotyping platforms
Dierens, Leanne; Henshall, John; Sellars, Melony. Aquaculture Research. 2014; 433:102-104.
Quantitative analysis of low-density SNP data for parentage assignment and estimation of family contributions to pooled samples
Henshall, John; Dierens, Leanne; Sellars, Melony. Genetics Selection Evoluation. 2014; 46:51.
Exploiting genomic data to identify proteins involved in abalone reproduction
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Development of an in vitro model system for studying bacterially expressed dsRNA-mediated knockdown in Neoparamoeba genus
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Pyrosequencing-based characterization of gastrointestinal bacteria of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) within a commercial mariculture system
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