AIM’s Eliminate Food Loss Test Bed Featured in Food Australia

January 12th, 2017

The Food Loss Bank is a concept that has been developed by CSIRO scientists working within the Active Integrated Matter Future Science Platform, AIM. This concept has been featured in Food Australia this month. The Food Loss Bank is a transitory store for edible food loss biomass. It is a central node in the new dynamic and networked value chain with a central supply chain node, which consists of both physical and virtual components.

This concept is the centre piece of the AIM Eliminate Food Loss test bed where we have a vision to develop new strategies to avoid food loss from farm to retail by recovering and value adding to the edible portion of this loss to produce food ingredients, which will enhance the sustainability of the food supply chain.

The Food Loss Bank

Update May 2017: Don’t worry if you cant access the article we have also put out a blog article about the work.