SIMEDWin prices & training
Purchasing SIMEDWin
There are multiple licencing options available for SIMEDWin. Prices are in Australian dollars and exclusive of GST:
- SIMEDWin perpetual licence: $20,000
- SIMEDWin annual licence: $8,000*
- SIMEDWin 4-week licence: $800*
- Student licence: for students enrolled at an accredited university (please enquire)
*with option to convert to annual or perpetual licence
What’s included: SIMEDWin comes with several manuals that document the SIMED II simulator, SIMEDWin (which is the graphical user interface for the SIMED II simulator offering pre and post processing), and the workflow. Furthermore, a set of example files are included.
Try before your buy: A limited trial version is available.
SIMEDWin Training
We provide SIMEDWin training courses. The course includes
- theory, incl. fundamentals of reservoir simulation, EoS, dual-porosity model, sorption and permeability models;
- working with the SIMEDWin interface, incl. building a simple static model, defining fluid properties, defining rock/coal properties, initialisation, defining wells and numerical controls, and undertaking case studies.
The scope of the training can be modified to address the client’s specific needs and is typically run over 2 or 3 days, depending on the depth of training required. The lead time to organise a training course is a minimum of 3 months.
Prices are in Australian dollars and exclusive of GST:
- $5,000/day for up to 6 people
- $1,000/day for each additional person
Courses are typically run at the CSIRO Energy site in Clayton, Victoria in Australia, or virtually.