Unconventional gas reservoirs: coal, shale, tight rock
Our research on unconventional gas reservoirs covers a broad range of topics with a focus on characterisation and modelling of the reservoir processes that determine gas production.
- Unconventional reservoir characterisation
- Characterisation of permeability behaviour during production in response to gas desorption and pore pressure changes (permeability-stress relationship), including measurement of permeability anisotropy
- Single and multi-component adsorption measurements at reservoir conditions (high pressure, high temperature) for gas in place estimates and production forecasting
- Characterisation and modelling of gas diffusion
- Gas production modelling, including
- Co-production from multiple reservoir types
- History matching of field production as well as laboratory experiments
- Probabilistic gas production studies utilising Monte Carlo simulation
- Coupled flow and geomechanical processes in coal reservoirs
- Formation damage in coal and shale reservoirs
- Groundwater flow in response to gas production
- Techno-economic assessments of primary and enhanced gas production