Field Services
U-tube Field Laboratory
Our containerised field laboratory provides an automated reservoir fluids sampling system with gas composition analysis through gas chromatography. It can be used for a range of studies, but is particularly suited to tracer gas studies in coal seam reservoirs.
The u-tube is a system for recovering fluid samples from reservoirs. These fluid samples are retrieved from the u-tube to a gas–water separator with the gas then going to a gas chromatograph for analysis.
Containerised u-tube field laboratory
Analyses of reservoir gas samples
Tracers for coal seam reservoirs
We have expertise in the use of specialised tracers for coal seam reservoirs. This includes tracers for gas and groundwater water with tracers that act conservatively and delineate flow paths and other tracers that adsorb and behave the same as methane. This expertise includes the system for gas sampling from production well heads and specialised analysis using gas chromatographs with appropriate detectors. We can also undertake the interpretation and analysis through reservoir simulation of the tracer observations.