
Dr Toby Patterson
- Principal Research Scientist - Threatened species conservation and management, fisheries science, spatial ecology, population ecology
Dr Laura Blamey Crous
- Team Leader - Climate, fishing and disturbance in ecosystem change; ecosystem resilience and flip backs; ecosystem services; sustainability of key inshore resources; the effects of fishing and climate on key resource distribution, abundance and behaviour

Dr Geoff Tuck
- Team Leader - Conservation management of seabirds impacted by fishery bycatch
Ms Sarah Stephenson
- Research Technician - DNA-based analysis of biological diversity

Dr Alistair Hobday
- Senior Principal Research Scientist - Impacts of climate change and extreme events on marine biodiversity and fishery resources, and developing, prioritising and testing adaptation options

Ms Carlie Devine
- Research Technician - Spatial and population ecology, fisheries science, remote image sensor systems and marine monitoring
Ms Linda Thomas
- Research Technician - Project support