Quantitative Imaging
Publications of year 2011
T. Pham,
X. Zhou,
H. Tanaka,
M. Oyama-Higa,
X. Jiang,
C. Sun,
J. Kowalski,
and X. Jia.
Proceedings of International Symposium on Computational Models for Life Sciences,
volume 1371.
American Institute of Physics,
L. Domanski,
C. Sun,
R. Lagerstrom,
D. Wang,
L. Bischof,
M. Payne,
and P. Vallotton.
High Throughput Detection of Linear Features: Selected Applications in Biological Imaging.
In G. Dougherty, editor, Medical Image Processing: Techniques and Applications,
chapter 8,
pages 167--191.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
Y. Guo and R. Li.
A Multi-Agent Machine Learning Framework for Intelligent Energy Demand Management.
In G. Trajkovski, editor,Developments in Intelligent Agent Technologies and Multi-Agent Systems: Concepts and Applications,
chapter 13
pages 198--212.
M. H. Abreu,
R. Lyons,
W. Hughes,
K. Mele,
P. Vallotton,
and R. Daly.
Gab2 regulates cytoskeletal organization and migration of mammary epithelial cells by modulating RhoA activation.
Molecular Biology of the Cell,
January 2011.
J. Wall andY. Guo,
J. Li,
and S. West.
A Dynamic Machine Learning-based Technique for Automated Fault Detection in HVAC Systems.
ASHRAE Transactions,
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
C. A. James,
K. Haustein,
T. Bednarz,
L. Alem,
C. Caris,
and A. Castleden.
Remote Operation of Mining Equipment Using Panoramic Display Systems: Exploring the Sense of Presence.
The Ergonomics Open Journal,
C. Lau,
R. O'Shea,
B. Broberg,
L. Bischof,
and P. Beart.
The Rho kinase inhibitor Fasudil up-regulates astrocytic glutamate transport subsequent to actin remodelling in murine cultured astrocytes.
British Journal of Pharmacology,
F. Li,
S. Brown,
T. Cornwell,
and F. De Hoog.
The application of compressive sampling to radio astronomy II: Faraday rotation measure synthesis.
Astronomy and Astrophysics,
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
F. Li,
T. Cornwell,
and F. De Hoog.
The Application of Compressive Sampling to Radio Astronomy I: Deconvolution.
Astronomy and Astrophysics,
P. Vallotton,
C. Sun,
D. Lovell,
M. Savelsbergh,
M. Payne,
and G. Muench.
Identifying weak linear features with the 'Coalescing Shortest Path Image Transform'.
Microscopy and Microanalysis,
December 2011.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
R. Beare and P. T. Jackway.
Parallel Algorithms Via Scaled Paraboloid Structuring Functions for Spatially-Variant and Label-Set Dilations and Erosions.
In Proceedings 2011 International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA 2011),
Noosa, Australia,
pages 180--185,
December 2011.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
T. Bednarz,
L. Domanski,
and J. Taylor.
Computational Fluid Dynamics using OpenCL - a Practical Introduction.
In 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation,
pages 608--612,
Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand.
[WWW] [bibtex-entry]
L. Domanski,
T. Bednarz,
T. Gureyev,
L. Murray,
E. Huang,
and J. Taylor.
Applications of Heterogeneous Computing in Computational and Simulation Science.
In Fourth IEEE International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC) 2011,
pages 382--389,
December 2011.
IEEE Computer Society.
Note: Other authors: Ya. I. Nesterets, D. Thompson, E. Jones, C. Cavanagh, D. Wang, P. Vallotton, C. Sun, N. Margvelashvili, A. Khassapov, A. Stevenson, S. Mayo, M. Morell and A. W. George.
L. Domanski,
T. Bednarz,
P. Vallotton,
and J. Taylor.
Heterogeneous parallel 3D image deconvolution on a cluster of GPUs and CPUs.
In 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation,
pages 613--619,
December 2011.
Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand.
[WWW] [bibtex-entry]
Y. Guo,
J. Wall,
J. Li,
and Sam West.
A Machine Learning Approach for Fault Detection in Multi-variable Systems.
In 2nd International Workshop on Agent Technologies for Energy System,
Taipei, Taiwan
2 May 2011.
V. Hilsenstein,
R. Li,
and J. A. McCulloch.
Machine-vision sensor for prawn aquaculture.
In Proceedings of Twenty-sixth International Conference on
Image and Vision Computing New Zealand,
L. Jiang,
J. Li,
S. Luo,
J. Jin,
and S. West.
Literature Review of Power Disaggregation.
In International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control,
Shanghai, China
June 2011.
S. Luo,
J. J. Jin,
and J. Li.
A Knowledge-based Approach for Segmenting Cerebral Vasculature in Neuroimages.
In International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation,
Shanghai, China
pages 74--77,
6-7 January 2011.
R. Marchant and P. T. Jackway.
Generalised Hilbert Transforms for the Estimation of Growth Direction in Coral Cores.
In Proceedings 2011 International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA 2011),
Noosa, Australia,
pages 660--665,
December 2011.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
A. Massoudi,
A. Sowmya,
K. Mele,
and D. Semenovich.
Employing temporal information for cell segmentation using max-flow/min-cut in phase-contrast video microscopy.
In Proceedings of the International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society,
Boston, MA,
pages 5985--5988,
August 30 - September 3 2011.
R. Su,
C. Sun,
and T. D. Pham.
Junction Detection for Linear Structures.
In International Symposium on Computational Models for Life Sciences,
volume 1371,
Toyama City, Japan,
pages 29--36,
11-13 October 2011.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
E. Urbach,
M. Pervukhina,
and L. Bischof.
Segmentation of Cracks in Shale Rock.
In International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology,
pages 451--460,
P. Vallotton,
D. Lovell,
and J. Newman.
An observation about circular shortest paths - Dealing with additional constraints using Branch and Bound.
In Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications,
Noosa, Australia,
pages 513--517,
6-8 December 2011.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
H. Yu and D. Wang.
Comparison Study of Two Energy Minimization Based Image Segmentation Methods.
In Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications,
Noosa, Australia,
pages 633--638,
6-8 December 2011.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
C. Zhang,
C. Sun,
and T. D. Pham.
Clustered Nuclei Splitting Using Curvature Information.
In Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications,
Noosa, Australia,
pages 352--357,
6-8 December 2011.
[DOI] [bibtex-entry]
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