Dry Eucalypt Forest (Vesta Mk 2)

The Dry Eucalypt Forest (Vesta Mk 2) rate of spread model was developed by CSIRO for predicting fire spread rates in Eucalyptus Forest. You can read more about the model here.


Dry Eucalypt Forest

Fuel inputs

  • temp
  • rel_hum
  • WAF
  • Ws
  • Hu
  • drought_fac
  • Temperature (degrees C)
  • Relative humidity (%)
  • Wind Adjustment Factor
  • Surface and near surface fuel load (t/ha)
  • Understorey height (m)
  • McArthur drought factor [0 – 10]


// Dry Eucalypt model - Vesta Mk 2

// -------------------------------------------
// Model parameters
// 0. Wind vector at 10m height (km/h), 'wind_vector' (input)
// 1. Temperature (degrees Celsius), 'temp' (input)
// 2. Relative humidity (%), 'rel_hum' (input)
// 3. Wind Adjustment Factor, 'WAF'
// 4. Surface & Near surface fuel load (t/ha), 'Ws'
// 5. Understorey height (m), 'Hu'
// 6. Drought factor, 'drought_fac'
// -------------------------------------------

// Temporary inputs - To be removed when real data is provided
REAL WAF = 1/0.4; // Update with real data when available
REAL drought_fac = 10; // Update with real data when available
REAL Ws = 1.1 * 10; // Update with real data when available
REAL Hu = 0.5; // Update with real data when available

//// Calculating U10 windspeed from wind vector
REAL wind_speed_10 = length(wind_vector);

// Applying wind reduction factor to get wind at 2m height
REAL wind_speed_2 = wind_speed_10 / WAF;

//// Calculating backing and flanking coefficients compared to head fire ROS ////
REAL wdot = dot(normalize(wind_vector),advect_normal_vector);

// Calculate length-to-breadth ratio (LBR).
REAL LBR = 1.0;
if (wind_speed_10 < 5){
    LBR = 1.0;
} else if (wind_speed_10 < 25){
    LBR = 0.9286 * exp(0.0505 * wind_speed_10); 
} else { 
    LBR = 0.1143 * wind_speed_10 + 0.4143; 

// Determine coefficient for flank rank of spread, Rf = cf * Rh, using elliptical LBR equations 
REAL cc = sqrt(1.0-pow(LBR, -2.0)); 
REAL cb = (1.0-cc)/(1.0+cc); REAL a_LBR = 0.5*(cb+1.0); 
REAL cf = a_LBR/LBR; 

// Determine shape parameters for normal flow 
REAL f = 0.5*(1.0+cb); 
REAL g = 0.5*(1.0-cb); 
REAL h = cf; 

// Now calculate a speed coefficient using normal flow formula
REAL speed_fraction = (g*wdot+sqrt(h*h+(f*f-h*h)*wdot*wdot)); 

//// Estimating fuel moisture content using Gould et al. (2007) and Matthews et al. (2010) //// 
// Initialising the fuel moisture variable 

// Calculating fuel moisture between 12:00 and 16:59 (valid for sunny days from October to March) 
if (hour > 11 && hour < 17){
    MC = 2.76 + (0.124*rel_hum) - (0.0187*temp);}

// Calculating fuel moisture for other daylight hours (from 9:00 to 11:59 and 17:00 to 19:59 in this example)
else if ((hour < 12 && hour > 8) || (hour > 16 & hour < 20)){
    MC = 3.6 + (0.169*rel_hum) - (0.045*temp);}

// Calculating fuel moisture for night time hours (from 20:00 to 8:59) in this example
    MC =  3.08 + (0.198*rel_hum) - (0.0483*temp);}  

//// Calculate moisture coefficients from Cruz et al. (2021) ////
// Using the polynomial fit
REAL moisture_coeff = 0.9082 + 0.1206*MC - 0.03106*MC*MC + 0.001853*MC*MC*MC - 0.00003467*MC*MC*MC*MC;

if (MC < 4.1) {moisture_coeff = 1;} 
else if (MC > 24) {moisture_coeff = 0;}

// Calculating fuel availability factor and using it to adjust moisture coefficient
REAL fuel_availability = 1.008 / (1 + 104.9 * exp(-0.9306*drought_fac));

moisture_coeff = moisture_coeff * fuel_availability;

//// Calculate slope effect - Needs to be done earlier for transitional behaviour
REAL slope_in_normal_dir = degrees(atan(dot(normal_vector,grad(elevation))));
slope_in_normal_dir = min(max(slope_in_normal_dir,-20),20);
REAL slope_coeff = pow(2.0, 0.1*fabs(slope_in_normal_dir));
REAL slope_factor;

if (slope_in_normal_dir >= 0)
   slope_factor = slope_coeff;
   slope_factor = slope_coeff/(2*slope_coeff-1.0);

//// Calculating head fire RoS for all phases
REAL ROS1_head = (0.03 + 0.05024*pow(wind_speed_2 - 1, 0.92628) * pow(Ws * 0.1, 0.79928)) * moisture_coeff * slope_factor;
if (wind_speed_2 < 2){ROS1_head = 0.03 * moisture_coeff * slope_factor;}

REAL ROS2_head = 0.19591 * pow(wind_speed_2, 0.8257) * pow(Ws * 0.1, 0.4672) * pow(Hu, 0.495) * moisture_coeff * slope_factor;

REAL ROS3_head = 0.05235 * pow(wind_speed_10, 1.19128) * moisture_coeff * slope_factor;

//// Calculating the probability of transitioning to phase 2
REAL G2 = -23.9315 + 1.7033*wind_speed_2 + 12.08822*moisture_coeff + 0.9524*Ws;
if (Ws < 1){
    P2 = 0;}
else {
    P2 = 1 / (1 + exp(-G2));}

//// Calculating the probability of transitioning to phase 3
REAL G3 = -32.3074 + 0.2951*wind_speed_10 + 26.8723*moisture_coeff;

if (ROS2_head < (0.3 / 3.6)){
    P3 = 0;}
else {
    P3 = 1 / (1 + exp(-G3));}

//// Combining phases probabilistically to obtain head fire RoS
REAL head_speed;
if (P2 < 0.5){
    head_speed = ROS1_head*(1-P2) + ROS2_head*P2;}
else {
    head_speed = (ROS1_head*(1-P2) + ROS2_head*P2)*(1-P3) + ROS3_head*P3;}

// Converting from km/h to m/s
head_speed = head_speed / 3.6;

//// Adjust for calculated speed coefficient for fire flanks
speed = head_speed * speed_fraction;