The use of technology for bush care practices

December 6th, 2019

Recently, Dr Ash Tews, Senior Research Scientist in the Robotics & Autonomous Systems Group (RASG) joined the Brisbane City Council Community Conservation Partnerships Program’s event called ‘Innovation in Restoration’, which explored how innovations in technology, ecology and the conservation industry can impact our bush care practices.

The event aimed to provide a range of information to people undertaking ecological restoration, with a focus on the technological and knowledge/skills-based innovations that will allow us to enhance our ecological restoration activities in the years to come.

The attendees were participants/volunteers from a range of Council programs (Habitat Brisbane, Environmental Education Centres, Land for Wildlife, Catchment Groups, etc).

Dr Tews current research interests focus on autonomous solutions for wild animal tracking in outdoor environments and he talked about recent trends in the use of technology in habitat management. He also provided insights into the RASG systems and technologies currently being used for wildlife and landcare practices.

To learn more, contact us.


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