Paper: Continuous 3D scan-matching with a spinning 2D laser
Continuous 3D scan-matching with a spinning 2D laser
Scan-matching is a technique that can be used for building accurate maps and estimating vehicle motion by comparing a sequence of point cloud measurements of the environment taken from a moving sensor.

A SICK LMS291 laser range sensor on a spinning platform is mounted on a Bobcat S185 skid-steer loader.
One challenge that arises in mapping applications where the sensor motion is fast relative to the measurement time is that scans become locally distorted and difficult to align.
This problem is common when using 3D laser range sensors, which typically require more scanning time than their 2D counterparts. Existing 3D mapping solutions either eliminate sensor motion by taking a “stop-and-scan” approach, or attempt to correct the motion in an open-loop fashion using odometric or inertial sensors.
We propose a solution to 3D scan-matching in which a continuous 6DOF sensor trajectory is recovered to correct the point cloud alignments, producing locally accurate maps and allowing for a reliable estimate of the vehicle motion.
Our method is applied to data collected from a 3D spinning lidar sensor mounted on a skid-steer loader vehicle to produce quality maps of outdoor scenes and estimates of the vehicle trajectory during the mapping sequences.
M. Bosse and R. Zlot, “Continuous 3D scan-matching with a spinning 2d laser,” in Robotics and Automation, 2009. ICRA’09. IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2009, pp. 4312–4319.
Published in: 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation.