July 12th, 2016

The Authentication and Authorisation for Entrusted Unions (AU2EU) project is a two year EU funded research and development project that is investigating secure, trustworthy collaboration infrastructure allowing real-time information exchange and interaction for collaborating organisations, while preserving confidentiality and privacy. Total value of the project is € 8.4M (AUD11.84M).

The project brings together a strong consortium of leading industry and research organisations from Europe and Australia:


  • Eindhoven University of Technology (Project lead)

    People and Computer

    Australian pilot: Collaborative Services for timely Bio-incident Response

    Australian pilot: Collaborative Services for timely Bio-incident Response

  • Philips Electronics the Netherlands B.V.
  • Bicore Services B.V.
  • NEC Europe LTD (lead, European Pilot demonstrator – Ambient Assisted Living/eHealth Collaborative System)
  • IBM Research GMBH
  • German Red Cross E.V.
  • Thales Communications & Security SAS


  • CSIRO (lead, Australian Pilot Demonstrator – a Biosecurity Incident Response Collaborative System)
  • Macquarie University
  • UNSW
  • RMIT
  • Edith Cowan University

The project aims at fostering the adoption of security and privacy-by-design technologies in European and global markets, particularly in enabling cryptographically strong eAuthentication and eAuthorisation technologies for cloud-based services.
Central to the AU2EU project is the implementation and demonstration, in a real-life environment an integrated eAuthentication and eAuthorisation framework. Two pilots will demonstrate the feasibility of our approach for two use cases: collaborative services to enable rapid, timely responses to bio-security incidents in Australia and collaborative services supporting eHealth and Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) in Europe.